A Novembre 2024, grazie al progetto di rigenerazione di corso [...]
A Novembre 2024, grazie al progetto di rigenerazione di corso [...]
Grazie al Centro Estero di Torino, nel marzo del 2023 [...]
Nel febbraio del 2023, l'Agenzia governativa dell'antica Medina di Tripoli [...]
The architect Andrea Desimone has been invited as an international [...]
Reuse and redevelopment as a sustainable method of recovering living [...]
05 June 2020 La Stampa of Alessandria After the confinement [...]
24-hour marathon of the National Council of Architects Architect Desimone [...]
20 MaY 2020 Il Piccolo di Alessandria Architect Desimone was [...]
ULI Italy, USGBC, GBCI Europe, and COIMA ITALY invited #andreadesimonearchitetto [...]
EcoMondo - Rimini Workshop24 – Ilsole24ore GREEN CITIES: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE [...]
May 30th 2019 Electric-mobility Enelx_Cascina Faletta Casale M.to Italy During [...]
"Design and the city of the future. Quality of life [...]
May 3rd 2019 Biblioteca Comunale di Novi Ligure Development Seminar about energy [...]
April, 12th 2019 Converse, Art from the Kingdom of Bahrain [...]
March 25th, 2019 Knowledge festival, Campionissimi Museum Novi Ligure
March 20th, 2019 National Theatre Bahrain Lecture of Architect Desimone on [...]
March 15th, 2019 Campionissimi Museum, Novi Ligure. Masterplan Z3 was presented [...]
The vision about the future cities pubbllished on LA STAMPA, 9th March 2019.
Italian Design Day 2019_Masterclass, March 20th 2019, 6:30 pm Flexible Auditorium, National [...]
Building site update 2019.04.08
Pubblication on newspaper IL PICCOLO, 01 March 2019.
Pubblication on newspaper IL PICCOLO, 01 March 2019.
Pubblication on newspaper LA STAMPA, 23 February 2019.
Pubblication on newspaper IL PICCOLO, 22 February 2019.
Manama, 20th March 2019_Italian Design Day 2019 Proud to be [...]
Today we hand over the Masterplan for urban space called Z3 in [...]
Oggi, alle ore 18.00 presso Casa Circondariale “Cantiello e Gaeta” [...]
Moscow, 2nd July 2018, a conference-call in the Art Gallery [...]
After reaching the 2nd phase of the Nuova Scuola Media [...]
Lu, 18 May from 18:00 to 22:00 AD.a invites you [...]
Pubblication on newspaper IL PICCOLO, 17 April 2018.
To recover a place through dialogue with the city, To recover a [...]
Building site update 2017.09.15
AD.a has developed the design for the renovation of a [...]
C.V. Recognition for the best ten projects of the “Scuola Panoramica“, Riccione, Italy.
The concept is to create an urban landscape in which experiencing of the [...]
ART Portofino published on Abitare and Living Corriere
Combining respect for history with the new housing model: barracks [...]
Building site update 2017.02.22
Building site update 09.02.2017
Andrea Desimone attended the Urban Regeneration Laboratory in Alessandria, proposing [...]
Vision of Alessandria city, made by AD.a firm
Developement of the project design in collaboration with the russian [...]
Published on Farnesina Newsletter. 23.12.2016 Link: http://www.esteri.it/mae/resource/pubblicazioni/2016/12/newsletter_n.12_...
Published on La Stampa il 16-12-2016
Published on La Stampa 14-12-2016
New opening commercial building iN's Pavia 30.11.2016
Construction site 2016.11.24
ART Portofino project published on X-Style 13.11.2016 Link: http://www.video.mediaset.it/video/x_style/clip/living-art-portofino-una...
Art Portofino_ Interview published on Panorama Tv 28.10.2016 https://youtu.be/rzZUb7bG-2Q
ADa published on the daily newspaper la Repubblica, 26 October 2016.
ADa published on the daily newspaper Corriere della Sera, 26 October 2016.
ADa published on the three-weekly newspaper IL PICCOLO, 28 October 2016.
Link: http://living.corriere.it/tendenze/architettura/living-art-portofino-kro...
ART-Portofino_Press conference 2016-10-26 Palazzo Clerici, Milano.
Construction site 2016-09-20
Cantiere interior design 2016-09-15
The project Contrappunto partecipates in the international architecture competition "2016 WAN [...]
Construction site 2016-07
"100 e festa" in Villa Guerci (Alessandria), an interesing opportunity to [...]
Andrea Desimone Architect will partecipate at the meeting "100 e festa" [...]
AD.a will open the "XXI International Exhibition of Architecture and [...]
Masterclass at HSE Graduate School of Urbanism of Moscow, Russia Title: [...]
ADa published on radiogold.it. The interview will be on air tomorrow 15/04/2016 at 7.50 a.m. on Radio [...]
AD.a published on the three-weekly newspaper IL PICCOLO, 08 April 2016.
construction site 2016.03
AD.a published on the three-weekly newspaper IL PICCOLO, 22 March 2016.
It was held in Moscow the presentation of "Contrappunto" project, a multifunctional [...]
construction site 2016.01
Signed the new concept design assignment for a multifunctional complex in [...]
Signed design contract for new commercial building in Novi Ligure (AL), on an [...]
Andrea Desimone had a speech at the YEM corp's offices, in Istanbul, Turkey, named "The [...]
MasterClass at Moscow State Textile University
MasterClass at Business & Design Istitute of Moscow, Russia Title: [...]
ADa published on the architecture and design magazine Abitare n.546.
ADa published on international magazine ELLE DECOR Italia n.7-8, on today's design, [...]
ADa published on international magazine of interiors, design, architecture AD Architectural Digest n°410.
ADa published on the three-weekly newspaper IL PICCOLO, 26 June 2015.
MasterClass at Moscow Institute of Architecture (MArchI - State Academy) Title: [...]
ADa pubblicato su ilpiccolo.net. http://www.ilpiccolo.net/articolo.php?ARTUUID=753A2837-BCF9-4954-8D34-42...
ADa published on alessandrianews.it. http://www.alessandrianews.it/economia/una-nuova-vita-cittadella-161.html