Project Description

The project aims to respond to broader needs, from young school age, to competitive activities for teenagers, leisure for adults and motor recovery for the elderly.

The town of Fubine is a town with many young people of different nationalities to whom we want to offer a place of aggregation and recreation, capable of stimulating inclusion also through the open philosophy of sport and competitive activities.

The flat conformation of the area, the easy accessibility with any type of vehicle, due to the strategic position and the presence of the parking lot, make this area particularly easy to use even for people with reduced mobility.

The Gym

The concept includes a laminated wood structure with a large roof above resting on porticoed spaces on the short sides of the structure and a monolithic central hall in translucent polycarbonate capable of signaling its presence at night like a lantern in the greenery.

The creation of the arcades is functional to generate public spaces with an urban value for the entrance area in which a loggia will overlook the public square, and private spaces within the sports park for outdoor but covered activities.